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  • Rachel Hutzenbiler

Playtest #3

Playtest video documentation:

Big discoveries!!!

  • Discovered the issue with the timing! Reward was originally being given after the first sticker was placed - move reward to right before they leave the room

  • Signage imperative for understanding!

    • “Please knock” - effective and followed

    • “Place shoes here”/ “Remove shoes!” - needs to be in more places, in more obvious places. Move from the right side of walkway to directly in front of players

    • Dramaturgic understanding - “white deprivation to colorful hope”

      • Provide people with the reason for WHY they should be stickering the space!

  • Music - meow wolf narrative didnt work because there was too much. Keep it EASY. Choose the three most important songs from playlist to go on repeat. Players will not be present long enough to understand the narrative or hear the entire thing

  • Ducking through curtain - moment of uncomfortability

  • Sensory relaxation space in the room between Marissa’s and mine - soothing and gentle

    • Lighting effective!

  • Peeking out of the room - let them catch you! Fairylike - other worldly

  • Severe juxtaposition between marissas space of sustainability and mine of wastefulness

    • Interesting!

  • Percilla introduces themselves through the stickers! Creates a voice for her. Pointing at people curiously gets them to talk and introduce themselves, too!

  • Handing people stickers to place up on the walls - helpful to get them moving. Have to be careful about choosing neutral stickers, however!

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