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  • Rachel Hutzenbiler

Meet Percilla!


Who is Percilla, you ask?

Well, she is the name of my installation character. Clothed all in white with silver hair, Percilla is the embodiment of joy. She has been tasked with taking the entire, all white room from cold, uninviting white, to colorful joy and hope. However, it is hard to bring so much color to a space by oneself. Percilla has become overwhelmed and rather depressed by the task. She lacks the ability to continue with the last.

That is... until you come in.

With every sticker added to the walls by an audience member, Percilla's energy meter starts to refill. It is so much easier to be oneself when others are supportive and aiding in the journey.

So what's the theme here? Well, honestly, there are many. I will save my thoughts about the overarching themes of this installation until it's over.

But for now, how can you go out into the world and bring color into it?

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