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  • Rachel Hutzenbiler

First Sticker Deliveries

The plea for stickers has been heard and they are beginning to roll in! The first package was from an anonymous donor (thank you, whoever you are!) and we have three states represented: Arizona, Virginia, and South Carolina. Of the four deliveries, I have only known one of the gifters. The others have been wonderful connections from the internet. Looking at my informed delivery for USPS I should have a few more coming tomorrow. The bin is starting to fill up with all of the stickers so far. I am amazed by the generosity of those around the country and it's like Christmas whenever a package of stickers show up!

States So Far!

I will be playtesting the Sticker Graffiti space tomorrow and crossing my fingers that everything goes well... but, along those lines, I'm hoping that it shows me just what needs to be adjusted in order to create a proper installation! Updates tomorrow!

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